Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (2024)

Table of Contents
<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched for the third time. Well, relatively happily. T<strong>heir biggest obstacle:</strong> At the moment, there isn’t one. Nikki is on board with Victor’s plan to protect Katherine’s legacy by putting her in charge of Chancellor Industries.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together again. Again. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As Taylor warned Ridge, it’s only a matter of time before his latest reunion with Brooke goes the way of every single one that came before it. And since Taylor is now back…</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Family drama. Right now, Brady’s the problem child as he’s in jail for the hit and run he<em>didn’t</em>commit!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Flirty friends. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> These two have great chemistry together, but honestly, she can only trust him as far as she can throw him. In other words, watch your back, Carly!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Just married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sarah was paralyzed from the waist down on their wedding night by Xander’s mother. Their relationship may be strong, but it’s going to be tested a<em>lot</em>in the coming months.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over and done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> He cheated on her with Chelsea, then lied about it to her face. Sally was crushed when Billy told her the truth and we don’t see her forgiving Adam any time soon.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> So happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Well, the fact that<em>General Hospital’s</em>let Kelly Monaco go and is about to kill Sam off seems about as big an obstacle as it comes!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… at the moment. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sheila, Liam, Hope, Luna, you name it! From Finn struggling with Steffy killing his mom, to his locking lips with Hope, this marriage is on troubled waters. And let’s face it, Liam is always a threat.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Second time’s the charm? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Dealing with son Connor’s mental-health struggle put Chelsea to bed with babydaddy Adam. Now that Billy knows, his future with Chelsea is a big ol’ question mark.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The two survived the heartbreak of losing their baby, but we have a feeling Chanel working with Alex on<em>Body and Soul</em>is going to becausing more than a few problems.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Flirting, even if only they will drink to that. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Natalia’s a hom*ophobe who shamed daughter Blaze into the closet for most of her life. But we guess Sonny thinks she’s so good-looking that it doesn’t matter that being with her is not a good look for him.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Engaged, again. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Their own complicated history. They fell for each other while Adam was engaged to someone else. And we know Kim has gotten fed up with his commitment issues before!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> United, they stand.<strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They married against all odds. Now they just have to keep beating the odds — a neat trick, what with son Kyle planning to use Glissade to torpedo the family business.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> On the road to ruin. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> After finding out her hubby slept with Ava while she was in prison, Gabi hopped into bed with EJ to hurt him. And that’s the one betrayal Stefan isn’t likely to forgive!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> First loves that didn’t last. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The former marrieds have been through so much together that they’d have to think twice before getting back together.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together… or so RJ thinks. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Luna’s a murderous sociopath who started putting the moves on her fake ex-dad, Bill. And now she’s been busted and exposed. Unless RJ plans on being the next Deacon, run away.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Partying like it’s 1989. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though Phyllis tried to repeat ancient history by coming between the former marrieds, their love emerged victorious this time around. Danny’s sure to be writing Christine a wedding song any second now. “Rock On… Your Finger,” maybe?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced and then some. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Never having been all that good at knowing when to quit, Ric seems determined to shrug off his failed past relationships with Liz and convince himself that yeah, sure, the third time will be the charm.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Finally dating? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> These two are darn stubborn when it comes to their feelings for each other, but they finally gave in. But that doesn’t mean their fears about a coworker relationship are going anywhere!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Rafe’s in a coma after Connie stabbed him in the back! Fingers crossed he wakes up before Jada suffers even more heartbreak.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced sparring partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Alexis is well aware that there’s not a trap big enough to trap a rat like her former husband. But boy, does Ric know how to get under her skin!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Lip-locking pals. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Finn’s still married to Steffy and he’s not willing to give her up just yet for Hope’s drunken kiss!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s ready to ride off into the sunset with her husband. He’s less interested in a last hurrah than the next one.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Just friends. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Chad couldn’t get over Abigail back when they were together and now that he thinks she’s back, a reunion looks unlikely. But once he finds out his “wife” is a fake, who knows!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Made for each other. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s only a matter of (very little) time before Brando’s widow and her hero leave the friend zone for good.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Married. (And the show’s leads now!) <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Oh, you know, not much. Just that deadly family feud Beth is embroiled in…</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced… for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Perhaps only a fear of re-breaking their hearts. Claire’s mom and dad are taking inspiration from their resurrected daughter and trying to raise their romance from the grave.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They seem to be done with the sneaking around, but Sophia’s still out there scheming for Tate. Plus, he just let slip that Eric killed Holly’s dad and we don’t see that going over well…</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Once more, with feeling. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Thank goodness Dex joined the PCPD. Even though her mom’s a Mob moll and she hearts Jason like he’s her favorite uncle, Josslyn was ready to dump her boyfriend for his involvement in the “family business.”</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> It’s complicated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Bill didn’t exactly stick by Poppy when she was framed for double murder. But hey, now that she’s free, they may make a go at it yet!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Hot and heavy. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Orders of French fries usually last longer than the relationships into which these two get themselves.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Drinking and bed buddies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brady doesn’t know it yet, but Fiona framed him for hitting Sarah with his car. So that’s a problem.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> See photo above. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve rebounded from the misstep that nearly did in their romance. But is the attraction of these opposites strong enough to make the newlyweds lifers?</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Just married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve got complicated past relationships and have been on-again/off-again themselves — not to mention the time T.K. spent in a coma! Hopefully, though, they adjust to the married life without too much trouble.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The couple finally called it quits as Hope moved on with Thomas. (Not that that’s worked out right now!)</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Twitterpated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s more of a fear, really — that the couple will decide that they’re likelier to live happily ever after in Paris than Genoa City.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married and happy. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With these two, who knows, but probably something health related! Abe had amnesia for awhile and Paulina went from cancer to heart failure, but right now theyseemto be OK.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with problems. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Relationships are work, and relationships with grumps like Michael, hard work. So Willow is finding it ever more attractive to consider playing with Drew.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done. For now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The two were doing their little dance for years as Bill tried wooing Katie back and she held him at arm’s length. But they’re still co-parents there’s no denying their constant draw!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Former bedmates. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Re-teamed up at Glissade, it may be only a matter of time before the colleagues are getting tangled up in sheets besides the spread- kind.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finished. Done. Forever. Er, for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Carly just made it very clear that she’s<em>not</em>marrying Sonny again… but she is willing to help him cover for murder, and we’d be lying if we said there weren’t sparks flying!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done for good. Or not… <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brady hates Kristen with a passion. That’s never stopped him from giving into her seductions before, though, and she did try to help him cover up a supposed hit-and-run, so we smell a reunion on the horizon!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Life partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With Kristina acting as a surrogate, the couple’s efforts to start a family nearly ended ’em. And they’ve only just begun to feel the undertow of their grief.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Together for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s a steamroller and Nick’s gotta be careful he doesn’t get himself flattened. Long distance relationship, breaking up, getting back together… It’s tricky.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Reunited and it feels so… uh-oh. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Heather may have succeeded in winning Daniel back from Lily, but Lucy’s parents lost their jobs in the process. And now the teenager is acting out in ways that eerily remind us of ill-fated Cassie.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happier than ever. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Kayla isn’t fond of her hubby throwing himself into danger all the time, but she’s stuck with him through thick and thin, so we doubt it’ll shake them that much!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> TBD. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sonny. The way <a href="" target="_blank">Laura Wright sees it</a>, Jason can never trust Carly to be true to him so long as her favorite ex is in Port Charles.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It looks like these two are back in full swing after Eric beat his health problems and the two got hitched once again. But Eric’s wandering eye isalwaysa threat!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced coparents. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Adam moved on with Sally and Chelsea, with Billy. So, um, why as they came together for son Connor’s sake did the exes also sleep together? Maybe it’s not as over between them as we (or they!) thought.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Totally fake. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s not the real Abigail. Pretending to be someone’s dead wife with amnesia and plastic surgery doesn’t exactly bode well for a lasting future together.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though their relationship healed almost as quickly as Curtis did from that pesky gunshot wound, Portia’s thirst for revenge against Heather could drop potholes where there otherwise would be a smooth road.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Ick. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As with Luna and RJ, she’s a murderous sociopath who’s just been busted. Also, Bill wasn’t really interested. He just wanted a daughter. She apparently wants a sugar daddy.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She doesn’t much love his family’s problemaitc (and sometimes deadly) lifestyle. And we really, really can’t blame her!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Circling one another. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Let’s see. Summer is already jealous of her and Kyle’s son Harrison’s new nanny, and Victor has warned Claire to be wary of the Abbott heir. Yeah, these two are totally gonna happen.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Exes. Many times over. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brooke. Always. Also, Taylor says she doesn’t want Ridge back, but we’ve heard that same song over and over and over and…</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest problem:</strong> In real life, Bill Hayes has sadly passed away, so we know that it’s only a matter of time until Julie has to say goodbye to her beloved Doug.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s hard to keep a relationship stable in a town as quake-prone as Port Charles. Plus, will they even survive their attempt to bring Lucky home?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Lovers. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Playing with each other, they’re playing with fire, so it’s only a question of which one of them is going to get burned.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’re long distance and mostly offscreen. Still, these two seem healthier than most, judging by whenever we see them pop up.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Crimson colleagues who put more to bed than each issue of the magazine. T<strong>heir biggest obstacle:</strong> Nina is only carrying on with Drew in hopes that daughter Willow won’t ruin her marriage to be with the older man.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> A happy-ish couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Amelia’s pregnant with the baby that Link may not want to have. That’s a surefire way to cause a split if we ever saw one.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Apart. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though the former marrieds are endgame to many a fan — and her subconscious — they have a hard time convincing the stars to align. And stay aligned!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Friends and co-parents. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Overnight, Liam decided that he’d made a mistake by letting Steffy go. He and Hope may be divorced and Steffy and Liam may be on thin ice, but Liam’s own wishy washy nature doesn’t give us much hope this would work out.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest problem:</strong> They reunited after Kate “died” twice, and seem to be happy together. But her own darker tendencies may end up driving them apart eventually!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> The picture of a perfect couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Cody’s addition to the Scorpios’ family tree is less of an obstacle now that the truth is out than it is an opportunity.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s Deacon and Sheila. If there are any two more flawed people out there, we’d like to meet them. Still, we didn’t think they’d make it this far, so maybe these two crazy (literally?) kids will make it!</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> <em>Very</em> complicated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Messy doesn’t even begin to describe three immortal vampires love lives. Betrayal, counter betrayal, forgiveness, near death… The three bounced between each other all season, but now it seems like Louis has finally settled on Lestat… for now.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Engaged. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Rug burn? Other than their propensity for stair sex, there isn’t really anything standing — or lying — in the way of their happiness. Heck, even her dad Victor approves!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Shockingly married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s not Adrienne. But they do seem to make a good couple, and all the recent Kiriakis family drama seems to have only drawn them closer.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s resolved now that the amnesiac has remembered who he is and, just as important, who his family is.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Adorably happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Charlie’s got a lot of trauma to work through and Nick’s still new to being out. Plus, the “L-word” is cropping up and that’s a scary milestone to hit!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Take ’em off the grill, they’re done.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Billy’s support of Chelsea turned out to have as much to do with him wanting to reunite with her as it did him wanting to look out for her mental health.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Strong and married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Vince hasn’t always been forthcoming with Sharon, like when he kept a heart condition from her. Then there was the time she needed a liver transplant and almost died, and, well, there’s always that pesky fire danger!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with children. (Well, one, at least.) <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Daughter Aria’s hearing loss has forced the couple to listen ever closer to their hearts.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Engaged. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Who knows? Pretty much the entire relationship happened off-screen and they’re back in Paris. We’d say Hope, but Thomas rebuffed her. Maybe these two will make it work! Ha.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> So happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Jennifer’s having trouble believing her daughter is back (probably because she isn’t) and that could end up driving a wedge between the two.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sweethearts. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Given their lack of screentime, we can’t tell whether they’re getting enough quality time.</p> <p><strong>Status:</strong> Married and raising a family. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> <a href="">Kelli Giddish is coming back</a> to the show per TVLine, but just as a guest star here and there. So her new job will have her traveling a lot!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done for. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It was full-steam ahead for “Ally.” Sally was even 100-percent supportive of Adam and Chelsea’s efforts to get son Connor the help that he needs. But Sally couldn’t abide all the lying that Adam did in the wake of his tryst with his babymama.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> They are, as k.d. lang would sing, one another’s constant craving. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Circ*mstances keep conspiring to keep them from being together long enough to do more than steal the occasional kiss. And this time around, we again aren’t sure who’s side Holly is on!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced buddies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> When they were together, she was kind of a homicidal homewrecker. Now, though? Well, now she’s the kinda femme fatale who’d throw herself at him just to stick it to his other ex, Christine. So… progress?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Friends… with puckered lips. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Take your pick. Is it the fact that Drew is sleeping with Willow’s mother or the fact that she’s married to Michael?</p>
Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (1)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched for the third time. Well, relatively happily. T<strong>heir biggest obstacle:</strong> At the moment, there isn’t one. Nikki is on board with Victor’s plan to protect Katherine’s legacy by putting her in charge of Chancellor Industries.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (2)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together again. Again. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As Taylor warned Ridge, it’s only a matter of time before his latest reunion with Brooke goes the way of every single one that came before it. And since Taylor is now back…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (3)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Family drama. Right now, Brady’s the problem child as he’s in jail for the hit and run he<em>didn’t</em>commit!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (4)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Flirty friends. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> These two have great chemistry together, but honestly, she can only trust him as far as she can throw him. In other words, watch your back, Carly!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (5)

Image: Peaco*ck screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Just married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sarah was paralyzed from the waist down on their wedding night by Xander’s mother. Their relationship may be strong, but it’s going to be tested a<em>lot</em>in the coming months.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (6)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over and done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> He cheated on her with Chelsea, then lied about it to her face. Sally was crushed when Billy told her the truth and we don’t see her forgiving Adam any time soon.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (7)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> So happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Well, the fact that<em>General Hospital’s</em>let Kelly Monaco go and is about to kill Sam off seems about as big an obstacle as it comes!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (8)

Image: Sean Smith/CBS


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… at the moment. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sheila, Liam, Hope, Luna, you name it! From Finn struggling with Steffy killing his mom, to his locking lips with Hope, this marriage is on troubled waters. And let’s face it, Liam is always a threat.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (9)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Second time’s the charm? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Dealing with son Connor’s mental-health struggle put Chelsea to bed with babydaddy Adam. Now that Billy knows, his future with Chelsea is a big ol’ question mark.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (10)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The two survived the heartbreak of losing their baby, but we have a feeling Chanel working with Alex on<em>Body and Soul</em>is going to becausing more than a few problems.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (11)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Flirting, even if only they will drink to that. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Natalia’s a hom*ophobe who shamed daughter Blaze into the closet for most of her life. But we guess Sonny thinks she’s so good-looking that it doesn’t matter that being with her is not a good look for him.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (12)

Image: NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Engaged, again. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Their own complicated history. They fell for each other while Adam was engaged to someone else. And we know Kim has gotten fed up with his commitment issues before!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (13)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> United, they stand.<strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They married against all odds. Now they just have to keep beating the odds — a neat trick, what with son Kyle planning to use Glissade to torpedo the family business.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (14)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> On the road to ruin. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> After finding out her hubby slept with Ava while she was in prison, Gabi hopped into bed with EJ to hurt him. And that’s the one betrayal Stefan isn’t likely to forgive!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (15)

Image: Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> First loves that didn’t last. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The former marrieds have been through so much together that they’d have to think twice before getting back together.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (16)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together… or so RJ thinks. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Luna’s a murderous sociopath who started putting the moves on her fake ex-dad, Bill. And now she’s been busted and exposed. Unless RJ plans on being the next Deacon, run away.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (17)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Partying like it’s 1989. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though Phyllis tried to repeat ancient history by coming between the former marrieds, their love emerged victorious this time around. Danny’s sure to be writing Christine a wedding song any second now. “Rock On… Your Finger,” maybe?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (18)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced and then some. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Never having been all that good at knowing when to quit, Ric seems determined to shrug off his failed past relationships with Liz and convince himself that yeah, sure, the third time will be the charm.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (19)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Finally dating? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> These two are darn stubborn when it comes to their feelings for each other, but they finally gave in. But that doesn’t mean their fears about a coworker relationship are going anywhere!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (20)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Rafe’s in a coma after Connie stabbed him in the back! Fingers crossed he wakes up before Jada suffers even more heartbreak.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (21)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced sparring partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Alexis is well aware that there’s not a trap big enough to trap a rat like her former husband. But boy, does Ric know how to get under her skin!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (22)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Lip-locking pals. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Finn’s still married to Steffy and he’s not willing to give her up just yet for Hope’s drunken kiss!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (23)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s ready to ride off into the sunset with her husband. He’s less interested in a last hurrah than the next one.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (24)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Just friends. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Chad couldn’t get over Abigail back when they were together and now that he thinks she’s back, a reunion looks unlikely. But once he finds out his “wife” is a fake, who knows!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (25)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Made for each other. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s only a matter of (very little) time before Brando’s widow and her hero leave the friend zone for good.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (26)

Image: Paramount Plus


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Married. (And the show’s leads now!) <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Oh, you know, not much. Just that deadly family feud Beth is embroiled in…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (27)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced… for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Perhaps only a fear of re-breaking their hearts. Claire’s mom and dad are taking inspiration from their resurrected daughter and trying to raise their romance from the grave.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (28)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They seem to be done with the sneaking around, but Sophia’s still out there scheming for Tate. Plus, he just let slip that Eric killed Holly’s dad and we don’t see that going over well…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (29)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Once more, with feeling. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Thank goodness Dex joined the PCPD. Even though her mom’s a Mob moll and she hearts Jason like he’s her favorite uncle, Josslyn was ready to dump her boyfriend for his involvement in the “family business.”</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (30)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> It’s complicated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Bill didn’t exactly stick by Poppy when she was framed for double murder. But hey, now that she’s free, they may make a go at it yet!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (31)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Hot and heavy. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Orders of French fries usually last longer than the relationships into which these two get themselves.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (32)

Image: Peaco*ck screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Drinking and bed buddies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brady doesn’t know it yet, but Fiona framed him for hitting Sarah with his car. So that’s a problem.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (33)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> See photo above. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve rebounded from the misstep that nearly did in their romance. But is the attraction of these opposites strong enough to make the newlyweds lifers?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (34)

Image: 20thCentFox/Courtesy of the Everett Collection


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Just married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve got complicated past relationships and have been on-again/off-again themselves — not to mention the time T.K. spent in a coma! Hopefully, though, they adjust to the married life without too much trouble.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (35)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The couple finally called it quits as Hope moved on with Thomas. (Not that that’s worked out right now!)</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (36)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Twitterpated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s more of a fear, really — that the couple will decide that they’re likelier to live happily ever after in Paris than Genoa City.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (37)

Image: NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married and happy. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With these two, who knows, but probably something health related! Abe had amnesia for awhile and Paulina went from cancer to heart failure, but right now theyseemto be OK.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (38)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with problems. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Relationships are work, and relationships with grumps like Michael, hard work. So Willow is finding it ever more attractive to consider playing with Drew.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (39)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done. For now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The two were doing their little dance for years as Bill tried wooing Katie back and she held him at arm’s length. But they’re still co-parents there’s no denying their constant draw!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (40)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Former bedmates. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Re-teamed up at Glissade, it may be only a matter of time before the colleagues are getting tangled up in sheets besides the spread- kind.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (41)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finished. Done. Forever. Er, for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Carly just made it very clear that she’s<em>not</em>marrying Sonny again… but she is willing to help him cover for murder, and we’d be lying if we said there weren’t sparks flying!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (42)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done for good. Or not… <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brady hates Kristen with a passion. That’s never stopped him from giving into her seductions before, though, and she did try to help him cover up a supposed hit-and-run, so we smell a reunion on the horizon!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (43)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Life partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With Kristina acting as a surrogate, the couple’s efforts to start a family nearly ended ’em. And they’ve only just begun to feel the undertow of their grief.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (44)

Image: Getty Images


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Together for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s a steamroller and Nick’s gotta be careful he doesn’t get himself flattened. Long distance relationship, breaking up, getting back together… It’s tricky.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (45)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Reunited and it feels so… uh-oh. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Heather may have succeeded in winning Daniel back from Lily, but Lucy’s parents lost their jobs in the process. And now the teenager is acting out in ways that eerily remind us of ill-fated Cassie.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (46)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happier than ever. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Kayla isn’t fond of her hubby throwing himself into danger all the time, but she’s stuck with him through thick and thin, so we doubt it’ll shake them that much!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (47)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> TBD. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Sonny. The way <a href="" target="_blank">Laura Wright sees it</a>, Jason can never trust Carly to be true to him so long as her favorite ex is in Port Charles.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (48)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It looks like these two are back in full swing after Eric beat his health problems and the two got hitched once again. But Eric’s wandering eye isalwaysa threat!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (49)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced coparents. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Adam moved on with Sally and Chelsea, with Billy. So, um, why as they came together for son Connor’s sake did the exes also sleep together? Maybe it’s not as over between them as we (or they!) thought.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (50)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Totally fake. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s not the real Abigail. Pretending to be someone’s dead wife with amnesia and plastic surgery doesn’t exactly bode well for a lasting future together.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (51)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though their relationship healed almost as quickly as Curtis did from that pesky gunshot wound, Portia’s thirst for revenge against Heather could drop potholes where there otherwise would be a smooth road.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (52)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Ick. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As with Luna and RJ, she’s a murderous sociopath who’s just been busted. Also, Bill wasn’t really interested. He just wanted a daughter. She apparently wants a sugar daddy.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (53)

Image: Courtesy of the Everett Collection


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She doesn’t much love his family’s problemaitc (and sometimes deadly) lifestyle. And we really, really can’t blame her!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (54)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Circling one another. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Let’s see. Summer is already jealous of her and Kyle’s son Harrison’s new nanny, and Victor has warned Claire to be wary of the Abbott heir. Yeah, these two are totally gonna happen.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (55)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Exes. Many times over. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brooke. Always. Also, Taylor says she doesn’t want Ridge back, but we’ve heard that same song over and over and over and…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (56)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest problem:</strong> In real life, Bill Hayes has sadly passed away, so we know that it’s only a matter of time until Julie has to say goodbye to her beloved Doug.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (57)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s hard to keep a relationship stable in a town as quake-prone as Port Charles. Plus, will they even survive their attempt to bring Lucky home?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (58)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Lovers. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Playing with each other, they’re playing with fire, so it’s only a question of which one of them is going to get burned.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (59)

Image: Evans Vestal Ward/Peaco*ck


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’re long distance and mostly offscreen. Still, these two seem healthier than most, judging by whenever we see them pop up.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (60)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Crimson colleagues who put more to bed than each issue of the magazine. T<strong>heir biggest obstacle:</strong> Nina is only carrying on with Drew in hopes that daughter Willow won’t ruin her marriage to be with the older man.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (61)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Status:</strong> A happy-ish couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Amelia’s pregnant with the baby that Link may not want to have. That’s a surefire way to cause a split if we ever saw one.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (62)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Apart. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though the former marrieds are endgame to many a fan — and her subconscious — they have a hard time convincing the stars to align. And stay aligned!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (63)

Image: Bell-Phillip TV


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Friends and co-parents. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Overnight, Liam decided that he’d made a mistake by letting Steffy go. He and Hope may be divorced and Steffy and Liam may be on thin ice, but Liam’s own wishy washy nature doesn’t give us much hope this would work out.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (64)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest problem:</strong> They reunited after Kate “died” twice, and seem to be happy together. But her own darker tendencies may end up driving them apart eventually!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (65)

Image: ABC via Getty Images


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> The picture of a perfect couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Cody’s addition to the Scorpios’ family tree is less of an obstacle now that the truth is out than it is an opportunity.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (66)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married! <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s Deacon and Sheila. If there are any two more flawed people out there, we’d like to meet them. Still, we didn’t think they’d make it this far, so maybe these two crazy (literally?) kids will make it!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (67)

Image: Alfonso Bresciani / ©AMC+ / Courtesy Everett Collection


<p><strong>Status:</strong> <em>Very</em> complicated. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Messy doesn’t even begin to describe three immortal vampires love lives. Betrayal, counter betrayal, forgiveness, near death… The three bounced between each other all season, but now it seems like Louis has finally settled on Lestat… for now.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (68)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Engaged. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Rug burn? Other than their propensity for stair sex, there isn’t really anything standing — or lying — in the way of their happiness. Heck, even her dad Victor approves!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (69)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Shockingly married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s not Adrienne. But they do seem to make a good couple, and all the recent Kiriakis family drama seems to have only drawn them closer.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (70)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s resolved now that the amnesiac has remembered who he is and, just as important, who his family is.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (71)

Image: Netflix screenshot (2)


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Adorably happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Charlie’s got a lot of trauma to work through and Nick’s still new to being out. Plus, the “L-word” is cropping up and that’s a scary milestone to hit!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (72)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Take ’em off the grill, they’re done.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Billy’s support of Chelsea turned out to have as much to do with him wanting to reunite with her as it did him wanting to look out for her mental health.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (73)

Image: CBS via Getty Images


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Strong and married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Vince hasn’t always been forthcoming with Sharon, like when he kept a heart condition from her. Then there was the time she needed a liver transplant and almost died, and, well, there’s always that pesky fire danger!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (74)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with children. (Well, one, at least.) <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Daughter Aria’s hearing loss has forced the couple to listen ever closer to their hearts.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (75)

Image: Howard Wise/


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Engaged. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Who knows? Pretty much the entire relationship happened off-screen and they’re back in Paris. We’d say Hope, but Thomas rebuffed her. Maybe these two will make it work! Ha.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (76)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> So happy together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Jennifer’s having trouble believing her daughter is back (probably because she isn’t) and that could end up driving a wedge between the two.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (77)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sweethearts. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Given their lack of screentime, we can’t tell whether they’re getting enough quality time.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (78)

Image: NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images


<p><strong>Status:</strong> Married and raising a family. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> <a href="">Kelli Giddish is coming back</a> to the show per TVLine, but just as a guest star here and there. So her new job will have her traveling a lot!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (79)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done for. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It was full-steam ahead for “Ally.” Sally was even 100-percent supportive of Adam and Chelsea’s efforts to get son Connor the help that he needs. But Sally couldn’t abide all the lying that Adam did in the wake of his tryst with his babymama.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (80)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> They are, as k.d. lang would sing, one another’s constant craving. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Circ*mstances keep conspiring to keep them from being together long enough to do more than steal the occasional kiss. And this time around, we again aren’t sure who’s side Holly is on!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (81)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced buddies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> When they were together, she was kind of a homicidal homewrecker. Now, though? Well, now she’s the kinda femme fatale who’d throw herself at him just to stick it to his other ex, Christine. So… progress?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (82)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Friends… with puckered lips. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Take your pick. Is it the fact that Drew is sleeping with Willow’s mother or the fact that she’s married to Michael?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Steffy Puts Her Foot Down With Hope as the Claws Come Out Between Taylor and Brooke (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.